
5R activities in the PT Komering Jaya Perdana Employee Mess area

On March 20, 2024, the community service activities carried out by PT Komering Jaya Perdana employees who lived in the employee mess were truly encouraging. Not only cleaning the mess area together but also implementing the 5R activities: Concise, Neat, Clean, Careful, and Diligent. This shows a commitment to environmental cleanliness and concern for the earth we live on.
Community service is an activity that is not only useful for cleaning the environment but also strengthens the sense of togetherness and teamwork among employees. By working together, learn to support each other, collaborate, and appreciate each individual's contribution.
Implementing 5R activities is also a very positive step. By using this activity as a guide, employees not only clean the environment but also learn to manage waste more wisely. Recycling, reducing, and recycling become part of their routine, which in turn can help reduce negative impacts on the environment.
Apart from the immediate benefits in terms of environmental cleanliness, this activity also has a significant long-term impact. By implementing 5R activities in daily life, employees not only create a cleaner and healthier environment to live in but also help protect nature and increasingly limited natural resources.